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The GTTS-2000E can provide all kinds of data or information from any location on the globe. The GTTS-2000E is designed to combine tracking and tracing with reporting of multiple relevant data. Data like for example fuel level, contact(s) on/off, temperature etc. It can also activate relays or other electronics for remote control. The GTTS-2000E is an externally powered tracking and tracing system, with an internal backup battery, that requires a minimum of installation time because the GPS and Iridium Antennas are fully integrated in the all-weather-proof housing. Installation and connection of various sensors or actuators differs from application to application.

Operational wise, the GTTS-2000E can be compared fully against the GTTS-2000B except the limitation of battery life and the additional features:

  • Disconnection of the main power source will activate the backup power source without interruption and will also trigger an alarm message
  • An integrated heater will guarantee operation in the most cold environments and will make sure that the backup battery is always fully charged.
  • The GTTS-2000E can be polled from the server. This means that a position and status report can be requested any time of day in between of the regular or scheduled reports.
  • A variety of in- and outputs makes the GTTS-2000E usable in many applications.
  • Dedicated software makes the GTTS-2000E well suited as a LRIT (Long Range Identification Transponder), VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) or SSAS (Ship Security Alert System)
  • Reporting frequency and other settings are “Over The Air” reconfigurable.



About Us

LocateAnywhere is an online SaaS (Software as a Service) asset tracking platform offered by Twisted Kelp to enable the location and tracking of nearly any connected device, whether through WiFi, cellular, or satellite, anywhere on the planet. With massive IOT at scale through LocateAnywhere, the possibilities are endless. ...Read More >

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Twisted Kelp
11301 W Olympic Blvd Ste 402
Los Angeles, CA, USA 90064

(310) 362-5436

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